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Repair Tickets

Going over the different aspects of the repair ticket system.

Written by Robert Fiesler
Updated over 8 months ago

We will be covering the following:

Step 1: How To Add A Ticket.

1.1. Click on the "Tickets" tab on the left-hand side of AMS.

1.2. Click on the "Add Ticket" button on the top right or

1.3. Click on the "Add Ticket" button in the middle.

Step 2: Creating A Ticket.

2.1. Enter the title of the ticket.

2.2. Select from the drop-down menu who the ticket is assigned to.

2.3. Enter a description of the job.

2.4. Select the priority of the repair ticket from the drop-down menu.

2.5. Select the status of the repair ticket from the drop-down menu.

2.6. Enter the miner IP or MAC address that needs to be repaired.

2.7. Then hit the "Save" button.

Step 3: Screen After Adding A Ticket.

3.1. Here, you have the ticket you just added. When we created it, we gave it the status of Pending, so it is in the Pending column.

3.2. Here are the different statuses a ticket can be in as you move along with a repair.

Step 4: Repair Ticket Menu.

4.1. You bring up the menu by clicking on the three dots on the top right of your ticket.

4.2. Here, you get the options of View, Edit, or Remove.

Step 5: Repair Ticket Menu And Select View.

5.1. When you select "View" under the menu, this screen opens, where you can view the ticket details and add a comment.

5.2. Here, the comment added, "Control Board Ordered."

5.3. Let's close out of this window and see what we can edit.

Step 6: Edit The Repair Ticket.

6.1. Here, you change the repair ticket status to move it along the timeline. Since we added the note that the control board has been ordered, let's change the status to "In Progress," save it, and see what happens.

6.2. You can see that changing the status to "In Progress" has progressed the ticket down the timeline. From here, you can keep adding notes and moving them along until the ticket is closed. You can add as many repair tickets as needed at all stages of repair.

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